• 05 February 2010

Archbishop Harper warmly welcomes political agreement

Statement on political agreement  from The Most Revd Alan Harper, OBE, Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland.

I most warmly welcome the news that agreement has been reached on a way forward on the devolution of justice and policing powers to Northern Ireland, together with the other issues that have been taken into account in the recent protracted negotiations. It has become very clear as negotiations have proceeded that the people of Northern Ireland were yearning for a settlement and found the impasse deeply frustrating. The commitment of the political parties to bring the talks to a fruitful conclusion is to be praised and welcomed. The fact that issues to do with parading and the Irish language also featured in the talks should be seen as offering additional confidence to both traditions in our society.


I believe that the scene is now set for the Executive and the Assembly to make rapid progress on some of the most important challenges that face us as a society. First on the agenda must be the economic situation in Northern Ireland which is serious and demands immediate attention. Unemployment continues to rise even though in the rest of the United Kingdom the trend has now reversed. High profile closures by multi-national companies have been headline news again of late. What has not commanded attention is the parlous state of affairs in the small and medium business sector. This sector is, in many ways, the backbone of our economy and is not 'footloose' in the way that multi nationals are. These businesses are, in aggregate, our major employers. We require more sensitive and socially responsible attitudes on the part of the banks to assist the small business sector and not to penalize small businesses because their bargaining position is weak compared with others. The Executive should now begin addressing this issue with all despatch.


These and other urgent problems demand strong and committed leadership in government. I urge the First and Deputy First Minister and their team to be bold in working together for the well being of all the people of Northern Ireland.