• 26 February 2010

Bishop Harold pays tribute to Eddie McGrady

"Eddie McGrady has served the South Down constituency superbly well over the past 23 years, as an MP in Westminster. It is with sadness that we hear he is not to stand at the next election, but at 74 years of age he deserves a well-earned break.

No-one could have been more supportive of the protestant churches in South Down than Eddie McGrady. He engaged with the whole community with his characteristic warmth and big-heartedness on every possible occasion, and took time to listen to, understand, and represent different views and aspirations.

Eddie's own faith shone through all he did. He has a particular love for Saul, and the inheritance of Patrick in that place, and we want him to know that he will always find a welcome among the Church of Ireland people. Truly, he has served the community, not least in difficult times, with a selfless spirit, and we wish him the rich blessings of the Lord in the future."


Down & Dromore