• 23 February 2010

Newry clergy respond to courthouse bomb

After the Newry Courthouse bomb which also damaged a nearby Presbyterian church, local clergy in Newry have responded with the following statement:


Newry Bomb Attack

We wish to express our absolute condemnation of the bombing attack which was carried out in Newry on Monday evening.

The bombing can only be regarded as an indiscriminate attack on the whole community and on Newry's continued development as a progressive and social and economic entity.

We pray that our community will stand together against such actions and in the continued pursuit of a lasting peace for all.

We pray that those who perpetrated the attack will come to fully understand the tragedy and futility of violence and they will find Christian renewal through repentance.

Finally we pray in thanks that no lives were lost in this incident.



Most Rev John McAreavey

Rev Kingsley Sutton

Rev Michael Barry

Rev Norman Hutton

Rev Brian Colvin

Rev Norman Cardwell