• 04 February 2010

Reflections from the recent Maridi trip

Rector and Dean of Dromore Cathedral, Stephen Lowry and one of his parishioners, Charlie Sherwin, recently returned from a trip to our link diocese of Maridi. Here are some of their initial reflections on the experience.

Stephen writes:

For Charlie and me it was a great experience to visit the church in a very different part of the world yet to feel that we were among brothers and sisters in Christ. Southern Sudan is an immensely beautiful place with many inspiring and challenging stories from its people. It is at the beginning of a new future with elections this month and a referendum next year.

Throughout our short visit we had been greeted warmly and sincerely by the members of the Episcopal Church in Sudan (ECS). There was an excitement and intensity in their life and worship, alongside a serious faith and commitment to serve God through the life of the church.

Two major worship events, darwing over 600 and over 1000 people were the worship highlights, but the personal interactions and prayers with the people we met were even more memorable and meaningful for us.

Upon our return it was a privilege for us both to express our thanks to the congregation at home for their prayers and support through the whole experience. We sensed that support through our health, our fitness, our safety and our ministries.

Charlie writes:

Let me begin by saying a personal thank you to everyone who was involved in the fundraising for the trip, and all who contributed to that fund; also to everyone who remembered the team in their daily prayers.

I had a feeling some months ago that in Maridi a small boy was sick or in some kind of distress and I simply had to go and see him and pray with him, and possibly with the help of the Lord to bring some kind of relief to his affliction. I spoke to the rector about this and his response was "I’m sure all will be revealed when you get there".

When we arrived in Maridi on the Tuesday the team were speaking with Bishop Justin,  Rev Tito (the bishop’s chaplain/driver), and the Rev Gerusoma. Each of the team had their own reason for wanting to come to Maridi but when I said what my reason was, the Rev Tito told me he had a son of seven years who took an illness 1 1/2 years ago and found it very difficult to walk. His thirteen year old daughter was also had epilepsy. On Thursday two other members of the team, June and Warnock, went with me to visit Rev Tito and his family: we were welcomed warmly to one of his tucals where the whole family were gathered. When I saw his son I at once knew this was the child in my thoughts. His name was Damunduma, the little girl was Doraca. I prayed a healing prayer with both of them and then anointed them with oil. I made a sign on their forehead in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. The whole experience was very moving.

The whole team made another visit to Tito’s home later in the week where more prayers were said for the children and the entire family. Another of Tito’s children, a girl called Susanna who is studying at college in Uganda, committed us all to the Lord in prayer.

We had many other amazing experiences on our trip to Sudan, but meeting this little boy Damunduma was certainly the highlight for me. Before this trip my relationship with Jesus was good, but now I can safely say this has reinforced my personal relationship with Jesus and I thank God for it.

I plan to find some way to support little Damunduma and Doraca so they can be sent to Uganda or somewhere to see a specialist at a hospital there. I will let you know later what form that support will take. In the meantime please pray for little Damunduma and Doraca and all in Sudan.

(Team, L-R, Stephen Lowry, June Richardson and Warnock Edwards (Movilla) David Gough (CMSI) and Charlie Sherwin).