• 09 February 2010

St Columba's dedicate lighting and heating

At a recent service of choral evensong in St Columba's, Knock, Bishop Harold dedicated the parish's new lighting system and church boiler.      

Rector, Rev John Auchmuty, paid tribute to his congregation's hard work and committment.

"The pople of St. Columba's have been working very hard to raise the money to pay for our new church lighting and boiler.  It has been very encouraging to see the whole parish working together for this important and essential project and now to be able to worship Almighty God in a bright and warm church.  This makes a welcome change for St. Columba's."

Further fundraising projects are planned for later on this year which will include a Flower Festival during the Patronal Weekend (4th - 6th June) which is being organised by the Northern Ireland Flower Arrangment Societies.  The theme of the Flower Festival will be "Celebrating the Life of St. Columba".  

In addition to raising money for the heating and lighting project the parish collected £2,500 at recent church services for the Haiti earthquake disaster.

Above photo, left to right: Mrs Liz McCaughey (Acting Rector's Churchwarden), The Revd John Auchmuty (Rector), Bishop Harold Miller, The Revd Robert Ferris (Curate), Mrs Helen Donaghy (People's Churchwarden).