• 09 February 2010

This Lent, remember the environment

Eco Congregation Ireland is encouraging churches to remember the environment this Lent and have some suggestions to help.

(Eco-Congregation is an environmental programme for churches, available to all Christian denominations throughout Britain and Ireland).

Why not:

1) Sign up to the 10:10 Campaign, which sees individuals, churches, schools and organisations committing to cut carbon emissions by 10% by the end of 2010. See www.1010uk.org if you live in Northern Ireland and www.1010.ie if you live in the Republic of Ireland.  

 2) Study one of the many excellent Lenten resources that incorporate an environmental theme. Click here to download some suggestions.  

Eco-Congregation Ireland has been developed in co-operation with four churches - the Church of Ireland, the Methodist Church in Ireland, the Presbyterian Church in Ireland and the Roman Catholic Church - whose ecological representatives are in touch with the many groups operating in Britain and Europe. The programme is available to all parishes with a keen interest in environmental issues and offers resources and support to help them to take practical action in the context of their Christian faith.

Their vision is to see churches throughout Ireland adopt an eco approach to worship, lifestyle, community outreach and contact with the developing world. For further info see www.ecocongregationireland.org. If you would like to receive their monthly email newsletter, email  info@ecocongregationireland.org.

For further information contact: 

Fiona Murdoch Communications Officer Eco Congregation Ireland Tel: (00353) 86 1706923

Church representatives

Catherine Brennan SSL, chairperson, Roman Catholic Church

Rev David Humphries, Church of Ireland

Mary Carson, Presbyterian Church

Helen Shiel, Methodist Church

Natasha Harty, Religious Society of Friends

Robert Cochran, Church in Society Forum (formerly the Inter-Church Committee on Socal Issues)