• 09 March 2010


The second meeting of the Anglican-Methodist International Commission for Unity in Mission (AMICUM) has taken place near Bath, England, 19-26 February 2010. Bishop Harold is Co-Chair of the Commission and the meeting was, hosted by the World Methodist Council, at the Ammerdown Centre.

The Commission benefited greatly from the opportunity to visit and celebrate Holy Communion in the New Room in Bristol, and to see some of the historical memorabilia held in Wesley College, Bristol.

The Commission is pursuing the common purpose of both world communions to be united according to the will of God, for the glory of God, and the well-being of God's church, and for the effectiveness of God’s mission in the world.

Members of AMICUM represent the Anglican Communion and the World Methodist Council, and come from all regions of the globe. AMICUM is monitoring the many ways in which Anglicans and Methodists are already working in close partnership around the world. Situations where the relationship is leading to joint mission will be offered to the wider church as models for encouragement and a stimulus to dialogue, including the experience of United Churches and the historic Black Churches in the Methodist tradition, as well as current dialogues and relationships. The diversity within and between the communions is being evaluated, and the questions being considered include women’s issues, ethical concerns, and the influence of different cultural contexts.

Studies are being undertaken into the role of bishops, and into the goal of working towards a common interchangeable ordained ministry, including the healing of wounds from the past. AMICUM is drawing on the history common to both churches - the things we share, as well as the things that make us distinct.

The Commission will meet again in February 2011 in Cape Town, South Africa.

Members of AMICUM are:

Methodists The Revd Professor Robert Gribben (Australia) (Co-Chair) Dr Elizabeth Amoah (Ghana) Bishop Thomas L Hoyt Jr (USA) The Revd Dr Wong Tik Wah (Malaysia) Bishop Sharon Zimmerman Rader (USA) The Revd Gareth Powell (England) The Revd Dr David Chapman (England) (Consultant)

Anglicans The Rt Revd Harold Miller (Ireland) (Co-Chair) The Rt Revd C Franklin Brookhart (USA) The Revd Canon Dr Paul Avis (England) The Very Revd Flavio Irala (Brazil) The Revd Canon Lulama Mtanjiswa Ntshingwa (Southern Africa) The Rt Revd Dr P Surya Prakash (India)

Lutheran World Federation Observer Bishop Walter Jagucki (England)

Staff Bishop Heinrich Bolleter (Co-secretary) (World Methodist Council) The Revd Canon Dr Alyson Barnett-Cowan (Co-Secretary) (Anglican Communion Office) Mr Neil Vigers (Anglican Communion Office)