• 12 March 2010

Anglicans meet in Geneva to promote peace and justice

Some 35 members of the Anglican Peace and Justice Network (APJN) are meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, from 13 - 20 March, 2010. Representing over 20 countries and all the world's continents, participants will learn more about making their voices heard within the UN system in Geneva. In parallel, they will be introduced to UN policies and programmes to inform their own work on peace and justice worldwide. The meeting, facilitated by the Anglican UN Office in Geneva, will include presentations by prominent UN and civil society representatives and will facilitate an Anglican presence at the UN Human Rights Council.

Through participation in panel discussions and plenary sessions, APJN members, who include both clergy and laity, will share their own experiences of issues such as truth and reconciliation, transitional justice, forced displacement, women and health, and children and education. To further theological reflection on these topics, daily thematic Bible studies and Eucharistic services will be held daily. The Anglican Peace and Justice Network is an official network of the Anglican Communion. It provides a space where Anglican Provinces can promote issues of peace and justice in their local context, giving them access to the wider Communion for partnership and joint witness, and offers resources to enable Provinces, dioceses and congregations to educate and advocate wherever there are injustices. The network comprises more than 40 members from all over the Anglican Communion, representing every continent. The Anglican UN Office Geneva facilitates a two-way channel of communication and partnership between the Anglican Communion and Geneva?based international organisations on issues of common concern. By providing a link for Anglicans to exchange expertise and experiences with international policy makers in Geneva, AUNO Geneva aims to strengthen both Anglican involvement in international initiatives and Anglican work worldwide.