• 12 March 2010

Archbishop welcomes the cross-community vote on policing and justice

A statement by the Most Revd Alan Harper, OBE, Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland:

"The historic cross community vote in the Northern Ireland Assembly on Tuesday 9th March to approve the arrangements for the devolution of policing and justice powers to Northern Ireland is warmly to be welcomed. It now remains for the Northern Ireland Executive and the political parties in the Assembly to move decisively to address the many problems facing Northern Ireland. The voting in the Assembly also demonstrated the importance and legitimacy of principled opposition. This was important in showing the ability of robust institutions to express difference whilst, at the same time, being committed to the acceptance of democratically endorsed decisions. Even in the context of a mandatory coalition principled opposition is required in order to hold the executive to account. The people of Northern Ireland have shown a settled will to build a peaceful and inclusive future. The Churches have also consistently expressed their own commitment to peace and the delivery of a shared future. St Peter, quoting Psalm 34, urged his readers to 'seek peace and pursue it'. The vote on Tuesday and the general reception in the community at its outcome is another significant step in pursuit of the truly peaceful society for which we all long."