• 24 March 2010

DDYC Confirmation Weekend 2010

'This was the best weekend I have ever been on' said Andrew Brannigan. And he should know, he's had nearly 2000 of them to choose from! DDYC report on the recent 2010 Confirmation Weekend in Castlewellan Castle...

Everything, from the awesome groups where the serious chat went on, to the games on the Saturday night; or from the Saturday night live banter to the disco, went really well, with over 80 young people enjoying every minute!As usual, there was lots going on - outside laser quest, clay pigeon shooting, archery, team games, late-night wide games, a Saturday night live competition, a funky disco, cool leaders and a wonderful speaker taking us through how to live out our faith! It really was one of the best Confirmation weekends to date (honest!). In the 10th year of DDYC, we prove we haven't lost our touch!!Our speaker this weekend was Laura Kenwell (see right) and she spoke about standing out for your faith - how to do that, what it looks like and how to keep going even when it's tough! She should know - she's nearly as old as Brandy. She's also a youth worker in Shankill (Lurgan) and deals with faith things all the time!