• 30 March 2010

A Holy Week reflection from Rev Chris Bennett

The Church of Ireland Holy Week reflection in the Irish News is this year written by Rev Chris Bennett, Chaplain to the Titanic Quarter.

Resurrection is currently happening on a daily basis in Belfast's historic docklands. The old shipyards, famous amongst other things for being the birthplace of HMS Titanic, are being transformed from rusty industrial wastelands to dynamic new complexes of apartments, businesses, colleges and tourist attractions - Belfast’s Titanic Quarter.

But resurrection isn’t always obvious when it’s in progress.When I was appointed Chaplain to the Titanic Quarter a few months ago, some people thought I’d taken leave of my senses. Chaplain to a building site - no congregation, no church building, no community. Some days it’s hard to imagine the finished product amongst the earth-movers, JCBs and scaffolding.

Seeing beyond rubble to beauty requires vision - an Easter perspective. Developers’ vision can see a thriving community where now there is only wasteland. Jesus’ vision could see victory and redemption where his disciples could see only defeat, arrest, torture, death. God’s vision can see potential and worth in us where we can only see our mistakes and regrets.

During Holy Week, it is worth reflecting that this Easter perspective gives hope when we can only see the messy business of work in progress - whether in a city or in a person - in you or in me.