Homeless for a night in Kilkeel
On the last Saturday in March, JIMS Youth Centre in Kilkeel hosted a fundraiser as one of the final events in their Social Justice Month. Twenty-one young people and five leaders slept outside in cardboard shelters to raise money for the homeless in the UK and to raise awareness of the global issue of poverty.
Becca Dean, one of the JIMS 'Crew' takes up the story:
'The evening began at about 1 am as the young people used cardboard boxes and duct tape to construct their shelters for the evening. We then watched the film "The Pursuit of Happyness" to show them the struggle that so many living on the poverty line face. Following several hours of sleep and attempted sleep, the youth were fed a warm breakfast so they could appreciate the difference a hot meal makes after a cold night outside.
'In order to simulate, as closely as possible, the conditions of being homeless, the students were asked to surrender their phones and other electronic devices for the evening. This, along with the cold temperatures, hard ground, and wind gave them a small taste of what thousands across the UK and millions around the world face on a daily basis. We hope they will remember this night and truly take to heart the reality of the issue of poverty. Though it was a fun night, the young people will hopefully be more thankful for what they have and more compassionate for those with much less.
'We have raised almost £400 so far, with more donations still to come. This money will go to the Simon Community and will directly help feed, clothe, and house those who cannot afford to do those things for themselves. Homeless for a Night was a great was to end our Social Justice Month, as the young people were able to practically make a difference in the world around them as they simultaneously shared an experience that is a reality for millions of people around the world.'