• 04 March 2010

JUMP 2 in Ballynafeigh

The JUMP Programme, a year out opportunity organised by the Church of Ireland Youth Department CIYD, is working with six young adults from across Ireland in 2009/2010.

Andrew Neill is working in St Jude's with the JUMP Programme until July 2010. Andrew is 21 and originally from Donaghcloney outside Moira and has just graduated from Queens University Belfast with a Law and Politics degree. Andrew lived in the Church of Ireland Student Centre at Queens during his time at university and was a warden there in his final year. Andrew is originally from Magheralin Parish where he was involved in the worship band, and a leader at Sunday School and the Boys Brigade.

Andrew is working alongside Canon Norman Jardine, Dianne the Children's Worker in the Parish and Janine the Youth and Outreach Worker in the Parish. Andrew has really enjoyed getting to know the rest of the team in Ballynafeigh and has proved himself to be conscientious and hardworking.

During each week Andrew is involved in a variety of activities both within the Church and in the local community. The work within the parish includes both children's and youth activities.

Andrew and the team at St Jude's run a Mums and Tots group each Monday as well as an after schools Kid's Club. Both groups have seen an increase in the numbers of people involved.

Lots of the work which Andrew is involved in is with the local schools, running assemblies, Wellington College Christian Union, and a homework club in Rosetta Primary. Involvement in local schools is a significant point of contact for the team in St Jude's to work with young people they might not normally meet week to week. It is great to hear of stories of young people coming along to activities in the parish because of the outreach work in the local schools.

St Jude's run a youth club on a Saturday evening which has been growing in popularity over the last months, again this shows that the team are offering a welcoming environment for young people in the area to come along, have fun and see the example of Christian leaders.

Andrew has got involved in the Sunday worship playing in the parish worship group.

Over the last few months Andrew has developed many new and existing skills; he has fitted well into the parish in Ballynafeigh and is having a significant contribution to the ministry and outreach there.