• 16 March 2010

Nine new members for St Columbas MU

There will have been many special services to mark Mothering Sunday throughout Ireland. The Mothers’ Union may have taken part and there will no doubt have been many enrolment services. In St Columba’s, Knock, Diocese of Down and Dromore, the Rev John Auchmuty was delighted to welcome the Diocesan President Roberta Rogers, who is also a parishioner, to enrol nine ladies into the Mothers’ Union.Roberta also addressed the congregation and spoke of the MU theme, 'Relationships’ and challenged everyone to examine their relationship with family members and with God. She was delighted to be able to enrol nine new members into her own branch and said ‘I have no doubt these ladies will begin a new journey developing relationships with many people they will come into contact with throughout the wider family of the Mothers’ Union'.

Pictured above, left to right: Front row - Hazel Reid, Linda McConnell, Yvonne Little, Evelyn DeaneMiddle row - Linda Wilson, Katrina Dukelow, Liz McCaughey, Sandra LoweBack row - Kathleen Acheson, Enroling member, Rev John Auchmuty, Roberta Rogers, Diocesan PresidentMissing from the photograph is Eileen Gibson