• 23 March 2010

Plan a 'Walk of Witness' for your community

On Good Friday at 12 midday, Bishop Harold will participate in a Walk of Witness in Waringstown, one of the many that will take place around the UK.

It's not too late to plan a walk for your locality and to take this opportunity to lift up the cross in your community.

Bishop Harold reminds us of the words of one of the old Good Friday Hymns which says, quoting the Book of Lamentations:

'Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by: Behold and see if there is any sorrow like unto my sorrow'.

"In truth," he continues, "Good Friday 2010 will be just like Good Friday AD33: Most people will just go about their ordinary business, without giving the crucifixion of Jesus a second thought. A Walk of the Cross is a reminder to the world around of the most important thing on the most important day: the means by which our souls are saved: the Cross of Jesus".

The Nationwide Walk of Witness grew out of a belief in the wonderful power of Christ working through united Christians, witnessing, working and walking together.The walk itself is nothing new. For hundreds of years, Jesus' Great Commission has inspired walks and marches of witness to take place. We are not trying to reinvent the wheel. But rather, like Henry Ford, we are simply putting a few of these wheels together with the engine of the Holy Spirit between them in the belief that we can impact society in a powerful way.Right across the denominations Good Friday gives a unique opportunity to present a united Christian Witness. Instead of highlighting our differences, it illuminates our common faith in the saving power of Jesus Christ through the Cross. Good Friday says that the Christ that seeks to dwell in each of us is one and the same and available to all.Walks or marches of witness take the Christian message where it belongs; out on the streets and into our town centres, where the people are. Walks provide a unique opportunity for all Christian to witness, especially for those who find it difficult to share their faith in a more personal, individual or vocal manner.The organisation and actual undertaking of a walk that includes different denominations encourages churches to work together and build inter-church relationships. These relationships can prosper and flourish and provide a united Christian message, which is imperative in these uncertain times when the Cross, Jesus, and the Church no longer influence the lives the majority.Jesus said, "You will be my witnesses." When the people of our towns and villages see Christians across the denominations working and witnessing together, then they are more likely be convinced that there is a living reality in the faith we profess.

For more information go to the Nationwide Walk of Witness website.