• 24 March 2010

Pray for those in the Christian Book Trade

Today marks the second ever national Day of Prayer for the UK Christian Book Trade and we're particularly asking people to remember 'The Good Book Shop’ in their prayers on this day.

The plan is for all parts of the Christian media, industry, retailers, suppliers, distributors and customers, to pray for all Christian Bookshops, and  we ask you to remember 'The Good Book Shop' at any stage between the hours of 9:30am and 5pm, normal working hours. You don't need to come into the shop to pray, (though you would be very welcome to do so if you wish). You could just as easily pray at home, in church or as you travel around on Friday. "Christian Marketplace" offers some background to this initiative:Joy McIlroy, from Ashburnham bookshop, who started the ball rolling last year over the internet said, "Further to the recent Christian Resources Together Consultation Day and the break-up of IBS-STL UK, we felt it was right to come together once again in prayer to thank God for his provision and to seek his guidance as we move forward together."The suggestion is that the focus of prayer should be for all aspects of the trade as we seek to move forward post-Biblica - but with a special focus on the local Christian bookshop.Clem Jackson, editor of 'Christian Marketplace', said, “At the Consultation Day we were challenged to pray for our trade, more regularly, and to listen to what God is saying to us. The Day of Prayer last September caught the imagination and attention of people in a way which I know surprised us all and is something which I believe we must continue with.”In addition to the Day of Prayer for the trade, by the trade, it is hoped to open this up to the church at large by asking local churches to pray for the trade and particularly their local Christian bookshop, during their services on 28th March (Palm Sunday).