• 01 March 2010

Reflections from 2 young Chilean Anglicans working in Northern Ireland

For both of us, Cristian (placed in Cookstown) and Steven (placed in Craigavon), the past days have been very tough. On Saturday 27th February we woke up to the news that our country, Chile, had been struck by a powerful earthquake (the fifth most powerful in the world since 1900).

The situation now is tough, specifically in the regions of Bio-Bio and Maule, and the communications with the areas are very difficult, so the people are not only scared as they cope with the after shocks (more than 100 in one day) but they are desperate for food, water, and shelter.   At this time of devastation and desolation, when we see the news and search the internet for information, you see the power of nature and the only comfort that we have remains in the power of praying.

We (Cristian and Steven) are grateful to God that our families are safe but they have told us that it is a desperate situation with widespread damage throughout central and Southern Chile and have stressed the importance of prayer for the people of the affected area.

Chile is a country with a great inner strength and able to recover from all natural disasters that have lived so far. Those of us abroad are united in prayer and we are confident that with time and help we will stand again. So, please pray for Chile...

Pray for the families of the people who have lost their relatives and have suffered in the earthquake. So far we know that there are more than 700 people dead, (and the number is expected to rise) over 500,000 houses have been damaged, and at least 2 million people affected by this disaster.

Pray for peace and understanding among the people. Pray for the correct use of resources to help.

Pray that the authorities will make the right decisions as they seek to bring some sort of normality to those who have suffered.  

Pray for the people specifically in Concepcion, Talca, Constitucion, Talcahuano and all the region of Bio-Bio and Maule.

With thanks to SAMS Ireland