• 16 March 2010

Shankill Parish Caring Association raises £9000 for Haiti

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Through a series of street collections, organised by Shankill Parish Caring Association, in the town of Lurgan, and church collections in Shankill Parish over £9,000 was raised for the Haiti Earthquake Appeal.

It was the culmination of collections in Shankill Parish Church, the Jethro Centre, Mount Zion House, in the town, in local shops and businesses and at Rushmere Shopping Centre in Craigavon.  The generosity of the Lurgan community was overwhelming.  Most people were eager to help, indeed many had given more than once.  From young to old, this tragedy has touched lives and made us all aware how blessed we are and how much we have.  Many remarked how once again a poor nation has suffered from a natural disaster and whilst we have no answers to this, all we can do is to help them financially and to pray for them as they try to rebuild their lives.We would like to thank all from the Parish and beyond who supported this Appeal and who gave of their time to collect on the town and in Craigavon.  In particular the Parish is indebited to Margaret and Maurice Houston for their initiative in proposing the collections and the organisation of collectors and collection points.  Furthermore not only did they do their own scheduled slots of collections (far more than anyone else) but also covered slots which had not been covered by volunteers.

Rev Geoff Wilson