• 23 March 2010

Unite Against Poverty, 29th March

The Social Justice Network is holding the first in a series of 'United Against Poverty' events in the Long Gallery at Stormont on Monday 29th March from 12pm to 1.30pm.

The Social Justice Network was initiated in 2008 out of common concern about the plight of vulnerable and marginalised individuals, families and communities across Northern Ireland. It was convened by Dr. Alasdair McDonnell MP MLA and comprises of political representatives and practitioners from the faith-based sector and voluntary and community sector who believe in the fundamental significance of, and are striving for, the practical achievement of social justice. The Network is relatively informal and is still evolving but we are united and driven by our shared belief that law, policy and practice in Northern Ireland should be oriented towards the rights and needs of the vulnerable and marginalised and that those rights and needs should be prioritised in any discussions of policy development and practical action.  In light of the legacy of violent conflict, with the significant divisions in our society, and in the face of a recession that is placing strain on public finances - and generating insecurity in the community about the future -  we believe that a robust and public defence of social justice across all sectors is needed now more than ever.  The Social Justice Network believes that tackling social and economic disadvantage must take priority over party political agendas. The achievement of social justice in Northern Ireland necessitates that Government, the political, voluntary, community and faith based sectors all work collaboratively and collectively together. We are holding this 'United Against Poverty' event to call on the Executive, led by the Office of First Minister and deputy First Minister, to focus on the practical promotion of social justice through greater cooperation and a better joined up approach across the statutory, voluntary, community, faith based and political sectors.  If Northern Ireland is to be successful in the realisation of social justice, then we must all work together. We hope you can join us at this event and that you will consider supporting the Network’s call for others to join us in this pursuit. If you are free to attend, please email Georgina White at whiteng@parliament.uk. Tea and coffee will be provided afterwards.