• 11 April 2010

An Easter surprise for Seaforde

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The normally sedate, and somewhat reserved, congregation of Loughinsland in Seaforde was clapping and swaying to the music of Taylor University's Gospel Choir on Easter morning.

The choir, from Indiana in the US, is staying at Murlough House in Dundrum and were singing in aid of Haiti on the evening of Good Friday in Seaforde Young Farmers’ Hall. One of the church wardens was at their concert and on a whim, casually asked them what they were doing on Easter morning. It tuned out they were free and he asked them if they would like to join us for our Easter Communion Service.

It was all very informal and unrehearsed, but every member of the congregation, from the youngest to the oldest left church beaming from ear to ear after what was a very memorable and enjoyable service, led by Rev John Scott.

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