• 27 April 2010

Archbishop's pre-synod message

The General Synod of the Church of Ireland will take place from Thursday 6th May to Saturday 8th May at Christ Church Cathedral in central Dublin.

In preparing to welcome people to the General Synod in May, the Archbishop of Armagh, the Most Revd Alan Harper, said:  ‘For older members of the General Synod this year’s meeting in Christ Church Cathedral may feel like homecoming. For generations the Synod met in the old Synod Hall across the bridge. Meeting in the cathedral will, however, generate an additional resonance since a synod is first and foremost a spiritual assembly: it will be particularly appropriate for members to be reminded by our surroundings that we are called together to do the work of God and to participate in the Mission of God. Many challenges confront us in these difficult times, perhaps the greatest is to resist the temptation to be concerned only with our narrow church preoccupations but instead to be both outward looking and prophetic as we seek to speak and act and live for Christ amidst the perplexities of our time.’

The General Synod’s website

will provide useful information and materials on a rolling basis.