• 17 April 2010

Bishop attends service in memory of Polish President

The Bishop of Down and Dromore has represented the Church of Ireland at a Memorial service in Stormont for the President of Poland, Lech Kaczynski, and 95 Members of the Katyn Delegation who were killed on 10th April in a tragic air crash.

The people present, including many people from the Polish community living in Northern Ireland, were welcomed by David McClarty MLA on behalf of the Speaker, William Hay. Church leaders from many denominations took part and the Schola Cantorum, from St Peter's Roman Catholic Cathedral, sang.

The Polish vice consul gave a moving address, and the names of those who died were read in remembrance, followed by a two-minute silence. Bishop Harold Miller said afterwards, 'This was a most moving occasion. It was a rightful embracing of our neighbours from Poland at a time of great grief. None of us can imagine what it would be like to have so many key, and greatly loved, leaders, wiped out in one go.

'I met a Polish man after the service who had come all the way from Poland to be at the event, and who had clearly been a member of Solidarity. He could barely speak English, but conveyed the depth of pain experienced by so many. I noted as the names were read out that three key leaders from the churches, one Catholic, one Orthodox and one Evangelical, had been in the crash together. How appropriate it was that an ecumenical service was held in Stormont for this occasion. I encourage all to speak words of comfort to those whom they may know from Poland at this critical time, and in the name of our one Lord'.