• 11 April 2010

Children's Ministry Leaders asked to respond to survey


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The Standing Committee of the Church of Ireland in 2009 set up a small working group to look at the issues concerning ministry among children in the church. Leaders are being asked to complete an online survey.

The Children's Ministry Working Group has decided to conduct a Church-wide piece of research in order to gain a picture of children’s ministry in the Church of Ireland utilising as a model for this, an existing piece of research work carried out in Connor Diocese during the last year.

The research comes in three stages: firstly leaders are being asked to complete an online survey covering a range of issues concerning working among children, secondly rectors will receive a short questionnaire by email, and finally in the autumn a number of dioceses will ask children for their views. The leader’s survey is now live and available for completion at the link below.

This research phase is being co-ordinated by Peter Hamill, Connor Diocesan Training Co-ordinator, who is a member of the Children’s Ministry Working Group and currently working on a PhD in this area. Children’s Ministry leaders are encouraged to respond to the survey. If you wish further information, please contact one of the members of the Working Group listed below.

Mr Peter Hamill - peter.traincoord@connor.anglican.org

Rev Anne Taylor  - anneted@gofree.indigo.ie

Rev Jane Galbraith - janeg@iolfree.ie

Rev Isobel Jackson - Isobel@nijackson.com

Mrs Jacqui Wilkinson - jrwilkinson@eircom.net

Please encourage your parish Children's Ministry Leader to complete the survey which can be accessed by clicking here.