• 27 April 2010

Church of Ireland income falls by 25%

The Church of Ireland has been left with a 750,000 euros deficit after income from its investments fell by 25% in 2009.

The Representative Church Body (RCB), which holds the central funds of the church, published the figures which were reported by the BBC.

The RCB said there had been "a very significant negative turnaround" since 2008 when a surplus of 614,000 euros was reported. They warned the situation is unlikely to improve in the next year.

A spokesperson for the Church of Ireland said: 'Strenuous efforts have been made to control and reduce central church costs, including a staff pay freeze and reduction in the operating costs of Church House and Central committees and boards.

"The stipends of clergy throughout the Church did not increase in 2010", they added.

The RCB report was published ahead of the General Synod of the Church of Ireland which will take place in Dublin in May.

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