• 25 May 2010

Christian Renewal Centre enters new chapter

The Christian Renewal Centre, Rostrevor, which has been a feature of the Christian landscape in Co Down since the seventies, has begun a new chapter in its history.

A large group of people recently gathered from many parts of Ireland to mark the handing over of the Centre's ministry to Youth With A Mission Ireland (YWAM Ireland).

The guest speakers on the occasion were Dom Mark-Ephrem Nolan, OSB, Superior of the Holy Cross Benedictine Monastery, Rostrevor, and our own Bishop Harold.

The Christian Renewal Centre community formed in 1974, at the height of 'the troubles’and amidst division and suspicion between Roman Catholics and Protestants. As they lived, prayed and worshipped together the community sought reconciliation, renewal and healing for Ireland.

Under the leadership of founders, the Revd Cecil and Myrtle Kerr and, in more recent years, Harry and Dorothy Smith, the community has seen thousands coming through the Centre’s doors to experience healing and the reconciling power of Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit.

After a process of prayer and consultation with various ministries, it was felt that the time was right to hand the Centre over to YWAM Ireland, an international organisation  celebrating its jubilee year and a 30 year presence in Ireland.

YWAM has recently amalgamated its work in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland to become YWAM Ireland with the Rostrevor Centre as its new operations


YWAM leaders, Jonny and Jenny Clarke plan to build on the Centre’s legacy through maintaining a praying and worshipping community. A core team is developing to create an intentional community, which will host a Discipleship Training School in January 2011.