Community Support for drug and alcohol issues in the Down area
If drug and alcohol issues are a concern for your group or community, help is at hand in the Down area through The Community Support Service.
It's an initiative that provides mentoring support to local groups to develop and implement initiatives that address substance misuse at a community level.
Drug and alcohol issues are areas of concern for many groups and most communities, and often groups feel they are not equipped with skills or knowledge to respond to these issues confidently.
The Community Support Worker for drugs and alcohol within the Down area is Susan Bateman and she describes the approach:
"We provide the skills and support to groups to empower groups to take action in an appropriate way. Acting in a supporting role we will work with groups to identify training needs and help them set their own aims and objectives, design an appropriate intervention, implement their initiative and evaluate its impact.
Furthermore as the Community Support Worker I can provide up to date information on drug and alcohol training, trends of use and support in applying for funding etc."
If drug or alcohol issues are a concern to your group or community and you would like discuss how the service can support you to respond to those issues then contact Susan on 028 9260 4422 or
ASCERT (Action on Substances through Community Education and Related Training)