• 05 May 2010

Cross community worship in Dromore

On Sunday 2nd May Dromore’s town square was host to a cross community worship service as part of Dromore’s Civic week activities, organised by Dromore in Action. 

This is the second year of such a service and Dromore In Action hope that it becomes an annual event.  Last year’s service was organised by Dromore Cathedral, but although successful, it was essential that this year’s baton would pass to another Christian faith group.  The 2010 event was organised by Pastor Sheila Smyth of Fresh Oil Ministries Dromore and hosted very successfully by Fresh Oil Ministries.  The event was yet again a collaboration between Christian faiths in the town.  

Intermittent heavy rain didn’t appear to dampen the enthusiasm of the assembled crowd (not a bad given the day) who were treated to a programme of ‘old’ and ‘new’ worship songs.  The programme included drama from Dromore’s Youth for Christ (DYFC), with those in the front row audience no doubt feeling part of the action. Although it was cold and wet, one of DYFCs interns from Pennsylvania USA managed a violin solo, her fingers no doubt warmed by the love of Jesus in her heart.  Individual singers from our Christian community demonstrated the gifts God has bestowed on the youth of Dromore. 

Pastor Sheila Smyth led Fresh Oil Ministries large singing circle with the strains of the banjo lending a bit of an American ‘blue-grass’ feel to some of the musical pieces.  

Karen Bowden, Dromore Cathedral’s new worship leader, along with husband Jeremy, led some of Dromore Cathedral’s Praise singers in old and rousing favourites "What a friend we have in Jesus" and ‘I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene”.  

Dromore In Action thanked Sheila for all the effort which went into her organistaion of the event.

Planning for next year’s event will start early in 2011 and Dromore In Action would welcome ideas from potential organisers and participants.  

Christ himself gathered his flock around him in the open air so, although out of the ordinary for Dromore, it was just as our Lord himself would have done.   We pray it was pleasing to Him.

With thanks to Lynn McFarland for this article and photos .