• 19 May 2010

Let's salute Charlene!

Hats off to the courageous and determined Charlene Barr, teenage cystic fibrosis sufferer who has raised almost £90,000 to build a school in Uganda.

Charlene, who belongs to the parish of Magheralin and Dollingstown, urgently needs a life-saving double lung transplant and the recent good news is that she is now well enough to be on the transplant list.

Meanwhile, Charlene's Project, which is raising funds to rebuild the Hidden Treasure Primary, School in Uganda, goes from strength to strength, surpassing the original target of £70,000.

The new school, which is currently a one room, mud and stick building, will be built in two blocks and will hopefully one day house around 250 pupils. 

Charlene's Dad, Dickie Barr, writes:

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Please pray urgently that Charlene gets a call from the transplant team in Newcastle as her window for a transplant is short.

To keep up to date with Charlene's Project, read her blog and to donate, visit
