• 28 May 2010

New book from Canon Ian Ellis

Columba Press, Dublin, has released a book by the rector of Newcastle and Church of Ireland Gazette editor, Canon Ian Ellis, marking the centenary of the 1910 World Missionary Conference held in Edinburgh.

A Century of Mission and Unity tells the story of the conference and considers its significance for mission itself and as the beginning of the modern ecumenical movement. It then traces a century of mission and ecumenism from Edinburgh 1910 until the present.

Canon Ellis was ordained in 1977 and has served in parishes in Armagh and Dromore dioceses. He has pursued biblical and ecumenical studies and is a former President of the Irish Council of Churches and honorary secretary of the General Synod. He is the author of Vision and Reality: A survey of twentieth century Irish inter-church relations (1992).

A Century of Mission and Unity is available from usual religious booksellers at £11.50/€12.99, or can be ordered by email via
