• 20 May 2010

Rebecca paints a prizewinning picture!

Congratulations to Rebecca Kelly (14) from St Marks, Dundela, a prizewinner in the CMS Ireland 2010 Uganda Annual Project Art Competition.

Rebecca won the 12+ category with her picture of hands reaching out to Uganda to help, emphasising the name of this year's project 'Hands on! Kiwoko'.

Children and young people from 20 parishes across Ireland were very busy, drawing, painting and collaging for the art competition, which is included as part of the Annual project. This year the children and young people's project focused on Uganda and in particular Kiwoko hospital.

The project hopes to support children in the community around Kiwoko, helping to pay some of the costs for treatment and support the outreach of community healthcare.

Visit the CMS Ireland Youth site here to see the other winners and find out more.