• 28 May 2010

Register today for 'Back to Church Sunday'

Today, Tuesday 15th June, is the last day to register for the 'Back to Church Sunday' initiative. Take action now!

The parish of Primacy, Bangor, participated last year and rector, Rev Francis Rutledge said,

"It was brilliant - two of my neighbours who had not been to church for over twenty years and had 'given up' being followers of Christ came along and re-committed their lives to Christ.

We've already registered for this year and even more excited about the potential for connecting people with the gospel community."

The principle is simple - inviting people we care for, to something we care for, the church to which we belong. It's based on research that shows that around 30% of people who have somehow become detached from church are open to going back if only someone will ask them.

Parishes that participate can avail of a range of very simple but effective tools for making worship a really engaging experience. But in order to do so they need to

sign up on-line by 15 June

The designated Sunday is the last of September and there will be media publicity around that time but there is no reason why parishes could not apply the initiative at any time. At the same time, it may be an opportunity to capitalise on Harvest celebrations. 

The Council asks for prayer that this initiative, in its own small way, will draw individuals into a living experience of God in worship and bring renewal to his Church.