• 20 May 2010

Successful Flower Festival in Newtownards

Rev Canon Ken Smyth, rector of  St Mark's, Newtownards, writes with news of the huge success of their Flower Festival:

'Over St Mark's weekend (23-25 April) our Parish Church was packed with visitors and locals alike to view the beauty of the floral arrangements re telling the "Journeys of Faith." It was a magnificent sight to see the wonderfully restored church look so super on the inside.

Our thanks must go to Mrs Jennifer Smyth, the parish co-ordinator and Mrs Monica Galloway who co-ordinated the flower arrangements.

Over £20,000 has been raised towards our Building Appeal.'

Congratulations to eeryone in the parish. If you'd like to see ome super photos of the event, please visit John McDonald's Flickr page.