• 24 June 2010

Congratulations to The Dean of Dromore

Congratulations the The Dean of Dromore, The Very Revd Stephen Lowry, who has been invited to be Chairperson of the Bible Society in Northern Ireland.

Stephen takes up the post in January 2011, the year that marks the 400th anniversary of the King James Version of the Bible.

The Bible Society in Northern Ireland is one of over 140 national Bible Societies working throughout the world to translate, publish and distribute the Word of God.

It is their vision that everyone would be reached with God's Word in their own language and in a form they can understand, so that their lives may be changed through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Stephen speaks about his involvement with BSNI and the new role:

"I have been interested in the work of Bible Societies for a long time, ever since as a child the Sunday School Presentation Bibles given to us had a little logo -Trinitarian Bible Society. When a nationwide Gospel distribution of Luke was taking place when I was a teenager, again I noticed this good work that the Bible Societies were involved in. Being non-denominational and Bible centred it suits my outlook well.

"With the purchase a few years ago of Bibles for the cathedral my contact with BSNI became a little more frequent and personal. I had come into contact with John Doherty, General Secretary of BSNI, through our involvement in the Church of Ireland Council for Mission, where he represents AMS (the Association of Missionary Societies). I was then invited on a fact finding trip to Albania with BSNI nearly three years ago and enjoyed seeing another Bible Society at work.

"Going back some decades I think my dad was involved in the Board of BSNI and it was a great honour to be invited to join the Board last year.

"The Chairperson holds office for a set number of years and I was greatly honoured to have been asked by the Executive Committee to let my name go forward as Chairman from January 2011.

"People can support Bible Society financially by giving one off gifts, by regular monthly giving, or by remembering the work in their wills. But what is more important is the personal and prayerful support of the work of the United Bible Societies.

"I see my role as daring to think differently about the role of a Bible Society in the 21st Century, building on the principles and history of the organisation. God speaks to people through the scriptures, so whatever and wherever the people are, we need to release the word of God (in print or whatever format) in order to help them hear of the love of Almighty God."