• 01 June 2010

For the love of the game

The FIFA World Cup is fast approaching. Has your church got plans to use the tournament to connect with the parish or community? Please tell us about it!

In South Africa, the international missionary organisation, Youth With A Mission, is gearing up for their busiest month of the millennium so far.

African YWAMers will join others from around the world for an aptly named Kick-Off outreach. These YWAM teams from every corner of the world are on their way to Africa with the aim of reaching out to international soccer fans who will gather in their thousands to support their teams. The goal is for sports teams, churches, youth groups, and other organizations to unite to bring hope to the people of Africa through all sorts of ministry. The long-term vision is to see partnerships formed with churches across the country through sports.

YWAM has already led an outreach in Accra, Ghana, at the Africa Nations Cup. They worked with local churches running tournaments for local teams. But they didn’t just play football… they preached, performed dramas, danced, and drummed. They exhorted the youth to use their talents for God’s glory. Through the sport ministry, another congregation was planted in a village outside Accra.

Unlike most football fans, the YWAM teams don’t see soccer as a goal in itself, but as a wonderful way to connect with people. As fans enjoy the game they love, YWAMers see it as an opportunity to introduce them to Jesus, the One who’s in a league of His own.

What about us?

Tell us your plans or stories by emailing dco@down.anglican.org