• 11 June 2010

'Inside Out Church'- Bishop Harold to host Tearfund event

'Inside Out Church' - can churches transform communities and can communities transform them? That's the title of the special Tearfund event that Bishop Harold Miller will host at this year's New Wine Summer Conference in Sligo.

Bishop Harold invites you to join him as he shares his passion for the local church being mobilised to transform communities. As the newly appointed Vice President of Tearfund, he is hosting this seminar for church leaders and those involved in mission committees in local churches.

Join him at the Tearfund café on site on Tuesday 13 July at 4.00pm-5.00pm and enjoy fellowship together with a light buffet tea afterwards.  

During the event the Bishop will say what he aims to achieve through his new role.  He wants others to consider joining him on his forthcoming Tearfund trip to Cambodia when he will visit a partner the Cambodia Hope Organisation 16th - 26th November 2010.  CHO works with poor communities in the border town of Poipet to improve their quality of life physically and spiritually, particularly looking after children who are at risk from trafficking or whose parents have HIV or lack money to provide food and education.

Tearfund Ireland's CEO Reuben Coulter will also share first hand experience of his time with Tearfund partner’s World Relief Cambodia in Cambodia. During the genocide almost two million people were killed, the country was devastated and the tiny handful of Christians in this Buddhist country were wiped out. But now less than thirty years later the church is thriving. There are an estimated 270,000 Christians (2% of the population) and they are having an incredible impact on the society around them. The local church in this community has been demonstrating their faith in action. The pastor and her church have been working with their neighbours to improve their school, ensure all the households have clean water and that the people affected by disability and HIV are being looked after. 'Many of our Buddhist neighbours now want to know more about our faith’, says the pastor Jam Rahn, ‘Neighbouring towns and villages have asked us to come and share the message of Jesus with them’.

The Bishop will also launch Tearfund’s new Harvest resource, 'One Family' to inspire congregations with the amazing stories of Cambodian churches transforming their communities.

Tearfund staff will highlight some resources to support and enable churches to reach out to communities both locally and globally and share the experiences of local churches here who are already using them.

Just People?

, is a 6 week interactive course enabling Christians to look at compassion and justice and effect change. 


is a 6 month course to enable churches to respond directly to needs in their own communities.