• 24 June 2010

'Make a Meal of It' this summer for Tearfund

Tearfund's Make a meal of it campaign got off to a sizzling start as Jenny Bristow, local celebrity chef, launched a short film in which she shares brilliant BBQ ideas to help support Tearfund’s work with vulnerable families in Zimbabwe.

In the short film she shares great BBQ tips and recipes and interviews Tearfund partners Simon Peter, Jane and Sam, who share inspiring stories of how lives are being transformed when the church takes a stand against poverty.

Make a meal of it is about having a fun summer event such as a BBQ that will bring hope to poor families in Zimbabwe.  Summer is the perfect time to join with family and friends and enjoy fun, food and fellowship and at the same time raise vital funds for the urgent needs in Zimbabwe.

Your help will enable church partners to help children like Shadreck who is 10 and doesn’t have very much.  Although he cannot go to school and doesn’t have much food or clothing, the local church is helping Shadreck and his sister Primrose.  She is able to go to school while Shadreck works to raise income for his grandmother Sehli and sister Primrose.  Shadreck has hope in God and the local church.

Through generous support local partners like the Zoe partnership in Zimbabwe are able to provide 7 staff to equip and train 3000 local church volunteers to support 7000 vulnerable children in their own homes, just like Shadreck.

You can Make a meal of it this summer too!  All the materials you need to have a successful event are available online (click here). There will be creative ideas including downloadable invites, fliers, posters, a short film, fun ideas for children and recipes from Zimbabwe.

One volunteer said"all I have to do is have a few friends around for a fun get together and I can make a meal of it too."  Let’s have some summer fun together and at the same time make a difference for our Zimbabwean neighbours in need.