• 08 June 2010

Meet our new deacons: Revd Lynne Gibson

One of our new deacons, Revd Lynne Gibson, who is serving in the parish of St Mark's, Dundela, shares her journey towards ordination...

My journey towards ordination can best be described as a road to Emmaus rather than a road to Damascus experience.

I grew up in the Church of Ireland, and when I was confirmed at 15, I remember it as the occasion of making a personal commitment to God, and of taking on for myself the promises made for me at baptism.   Despite studying Biblical Studies and German at St Andrews University, I had no sense back then of being called to the ordained ministry.  Instead, I embarked on a career in the Civil Service, first in England, then back in Belfast.

Over the past ten years, I have been increasingly involved in my home parish (St Finnian's, Cregagh), including as a BB leader and as a parish reader.  It probably took me nearly two years to recognise and respond to God’s call, and to begin the journey towards ordination.   I always thought ordination was for more suitable, more holy people than me!  

Slowly, I have come to realise that God doesn’t demand perfection - he calls each of us just as we are - and that he uses our weaknesses as much as our strengths.  And nothing in our lives is ever wasted or outside of God’s plan for us.  My first degree meant that I have only had to study for two years at Theological College, and now find myself preparing for ordination..  When God calls us, he equips us for his service – and I am excited by what lies ahead as I serve Him and his people as curate in St Mark’s, Dundela.