• 09 June 2010

Now you can shop and tweet Anglican

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The Anglican Communion Office (ACO) recently launched its online shop where visitors can buy books, CDs and other products that support and reflect the work of the Instruments of Communion.

Resources include theological reports and Bible studies; ecumenical agreements, statements and reports; publications looking at the Anglican understanding of issues such as Mission and Evangelism; and books and CDs on the principles and practices of worldwide Anglicanism.

Secretary General Kenneth Kearon said this latest step would allow many more Anglicans to better access, understand and engage with the workings of the Instruments of Communion.

"Publications are produced after most major Communion meetings," he said, “and this online shop provides a much easier way for Anglicans right around the world to get hold of them.

“Our staff also collaborate with partners to produce other resources that we hope will also enrich the life of the Communion worldwide. All of these will, in time, be available from our website.” Visitors can shop online at www.anglicancommunion.org.

The launch came on the same day that the ACO's Twitter account went live. Not only can people sign up to receive news from its Anglican Communion News Service, but they can also receive the latest updates from across the Anglican Communion at http://twitter.com/ACOffice.

Followers will receive tweets about the latest developments of the Instruments of Communion, news from across the Anglican Communion, and a daily tweet from the Anglican Cycle of Prayer.