Ordination of priests
Two deacons were ordained priest by Bishop Harold on Sunday 13th June at in St Columba's, Knock - Revd Robert Ferris, curate in Knock and Revd Mike Dornan, curate in Hillsborough.
The preacher was the Revd Barry Forde, Church of Ireland Chaplain to Queen's University.
Pictured below, left to right:
Revd. John Auchmuty, Rector of St. Columba's, Ven. John Scott, Archdeacon of Dromore, Revd. Robert Ferris, The Rt. Revd. Harold Miller, Bishop of Down and Dromore, Revd. Mike Dornan, Revd. Gill Withers, Chaplain to the Bishop, Ven. Philip Patterson, Archdeacon of Down, Revd. Barry Forde.