• 02 June 2010

Revd Robert Ferris reflects on his first year

Revd Robert Ferris, curate in St Columba's, Knock, reflects on his first year in ordained ministry. Robert was ordained priest on 13th June in St Columba's.

Before coming to St. Columba's, I grew up in Banbridge (Seapatrick Parish) where Mum and Dad still live. Before entering Theological College, I studied Computer Science in University of Ulster and studied ICT to PGCE Level at Queens.

To describe my first year in ordained ministry - I could use many words, but all in all it has been a privellege, a joy, a massive learning experience, a challenge and simply great!

The rich diversity of ministry here in St Columba's is humbling, busy, diverse, serious and joyful ... to be honest there is absolutely nowhere better to be. This time last year I was coming straight from college, knowing lots of theory and lots of facts. This year has indeed been a steep learning curve - from things like keeping a diary organised to sorting out youth ministry strategy, from leading Bible Study to preparing couples for weddings,.

It has been a pleasure this year to get to know and work alongside Rev'd John Auchmuty, the Rector of St. Columba's, who has everything a first time curate needs when they arrive in their first parish. Someone who is organised, dependable, approachable and who has such a pastoral heart for those whom they serve and is able to share his experience with their colleague.

For me this year has been about laying foundations - of building relationships, getting to know parishioners, of journeying with them through some dark days (in cases of funerals & illness), some fantastically life changing days (in cases of weddings), some quiet days (as I have visited many houses), some crazy Friday nights (funky seaweed dance).

Parish life here is busy yes,(bowling, badminton, bible study, baptisms sermons, prayers, vestry, flower festival, mag articles, marathon, staff meetings, house calls, deanery, diocese, hospitals, funerals, sunday services ...) but I cannot think of anywhere else I would rather be than here in the place where I believe God has called me to, right at this moment in time. I would just like to take this opportunity to thank all who have welcomed me, supported & encouraged me in the parish and look forward to seeing God continue in the years ahead to do His thing in this parish.