• 27 June 2010

Seagoe Parish Centre officially opens

The striking new Seagoe Parish Centre was officially opened recently by The Most Revd David Chillingworth, Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church and former rector of the parish. The centre was dedicated by the Bishop of Down and Dromore, The Right Revd Harold Miller.

In his short address, The Primus praised the "magnificent new building" and said that the occasion was “the most significant day in the life of this parish since the building of the new church in 1814.”

The Rector of Seagoe, Canon Terence Cadden, welcomed a large gathering of parishioners, VIPs, ecumenical guests, invited guests, clergy and the architects (Knox & Markwell) and contractors (main contractor Glasgiven Contracts Ltd) to a special service of dedication in the new main hall. It involved participants, young and old, from the church and wider community and tribute was paid to everyone who had made the centre a reality after many years of hard work. The service and official opening was followed by a reception which overflowed out into the bright sunshine.

The building, costing in the region of £1.5m, is ideal for the mission of Seagoe Parish in the 21st Century. Innovative and well designed, it links directly to the parish church and contains a suite of multi-functional rooms, a main hall and, in a bright and airy rotunda, a meeting area, coffee bar and circular prayer/quiet room. Bishop David described the building as one, "designed to foster relationship."

"It says that we're here to stay but in a positive and giving way, here to make a contribution, here to serve, here in mission, here to share the love of God."

Bishop Harold, in the programme notes, congratulated the parish on their achievement, remarking that they would probably never have a better opportunity in this generation to have an impact for the Kingdom of God in the area.

The Parish is currently exploring possibilities for a programme of activities to run within the complex and they hope to conduct a community audit later in the year.  “We have a wonderful building,” said Terence Cadden, “but what we do with it is what really matters. We want to draw people in so that through their engagement with us they will encounter the love of God.”

Bishop Harold returned on the Sunday morning to preach at the Opening Service and, after an 'Open Afternoon,' the celebrations ended with Resonate, an interdenominational worship gathering with guest preacher, The Right Revd Ken Clarke, Bishop of Kilmore. 

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