• 09 June 2010

The sky-diving rector!

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Revd Kingsley Sutton, rector of Newry Parish and fellow madman Dave Dawson, recently completed a 14,000 ft tandem sky dive in aid of a new parish Youth Base called The Basement. 

Under the parish hall, the rooms have not been used for over a decade because of their bad state of repair. Work is to begin on the premises over the summer, and opening this autumn, it will provide a meeting venue for young people that can be used for homework clubs, youth clubs and a basic chill-out zone where young people can gather.

"The jump was a most unforgettable experience," says Kingsley. "Jumping into nothingness is so confusing to the mind- it struggles to process what actually happened. The wind that is soon forced into your face at 120mph, is the only sensation that registers, pulling your skin like a rippling flag over your cheek bones.  For 30 seconds the accelerated fall continues until the sudden pull of the harness grips tightly as the parachute opens out.  Slowed to about 40mph, the panoramic view of the country can now be taken in as the relief of a working parachute gives a momentary reprieve from the 'nothingness' shock. Descending for another four minutes, the last remaining danger is coming in to land. Tales of broken ankles and even legs are not uncommon. On command of the instructor, and only five seconds to go, "legs up!". The trick is to land together  in a seated position on our bums. Down at last, relief, exhilaration, and still disbelief - as even yet the mind is still unable to absorb what has happened- it’s just too contrary to all previous life experience and against the basic norm of self protection. It really was out of this world!"

Well done Kingsley and Dave. Great photo for the mantlepiece!