• 02 July 2010

DDYC Barbeque 2010

It was the Bishop's Barbeque without the Bishop! However, in Bishop Harold's absence we enjoyed the grilling skills of the woman who probably taught him everything he knows about cooking - Mrs Liz Miller.

And just to be sure that we didn't forget the Bishop, Brandy, the Diocesan Youth Officer, had a special banner made.....

The Paddock camping area was well filled with Down and Dromore parish youth groups  and it was all hands on deck to feed about 500 young people who arrived to grab their free burgers and sausages. The cooking and serving team, headed by Brandy, did a fantastic job, especially since the barbeque was smokin.

Thanks guys, it was really tasty!

Click here to see the photos on Flickr. (For those who don't know, this is a photo sharing site and will open in a new window. There is a slideshow icon on the upper right hand side).