• 09 July 2010

Focus on Love for Life

"I was planning on having sex but changed my mind, we were treated with respect. I learned I'm not the only virgin." (Pupil, aged 14).

The pressures on our children and young people today are enormous with many of them feeling under pressure to have sex or to become involved in underage drinking or illicit drug use. Many parents feel ill equipped to know what to say to their children and often relationships and sex are not talked about in the home or sometimes even in our local Parishes. Love for Life can support you in your work with young people and families in this sensitive area of pastoral care and programme delivery.

Love for Life is a locally based relationships and sexuality education project with a Christian value base that delivers programmes annually to over 20,000 young people. Currently Love for Life works with over 120 local post primary schools, as well as working with church and community youth and parent groups. The project was founded by Dr Dickie Barr, a parishioner of the Parish of Magheralin and Dollingstown.

Judith, who represented Love for Life at Diocesan Synod, said, “We are working with a number of churches, delivering programmes to youth groups and youth fellowships and also working with parents and women’s groups. We would love to be partnering with more churches so that together we create communities where young people have a healthy respect for themselves, relationships and sex.”

If you would like more information on how Love for Life could help you in this area of your ministry, please contact Judith at Love for Life , 02838820555, or check out the Love for Life website, www.loveforlife.org.uk .

Watch the video below for an overview of the work: