• 16 July 2010

Life's a beach - clean

Not everyone is lying on the beach this July, some people are cleaning them! That's just one of the tasks set for the young people involved with Project 6:8 in Kilkeel.

An initiative of the JIMS Project (Kilkeel Parish Bridge Association), Project 6:8 is making a practical and positive impact on the community. There's the hard work of clean-ups plus street BBQs and a fun day organised for local children.

The team have left the comfort of their own beds to stay in JIMS for 12 days and to emphasise the heart of the project (Micah 6:8) they are taking part in morning Bible study together. There's fun in the evening too with BBQs, frisbee, football and films with a cross-community aspect.

Tell us if something similar is happening in your church or town by emailing dco@down.anglican.org