• 16 July 2010

Meet one of our new deacons, Revd Jack Kinkead

Revd Jack Kinkead was recently ordained Deacon and is serving his curacy in St Finnian's, Cregagh. He tells us about himself:

I was born and raised in the Lisburn area and attended church (Legacurry Presbyterian) with my family from an early age. As a member of most of the youth organisations on offer, much of my social time was spent at church, involved in church activities. I have always had an awareness of God's interest in my life - I don’t ever remember a time of having no faith – and my Christian faith has always been particularly important to me.

After A levels, I moved to Dublin, to study History at Trinity College. By this stage I had moved from being Presbyterian to Anglican, through joining the choir of St. Peter’s church in Belfast (Antrim Road). The rich diversity of choral music led me to develop a great love of Anglican liturgy. On arriving in Dublin, I joined the choir of St. Patrick’s Cathedral and spent six very happy years there, singing at seven services per week.

It was during my second year as an undergraduate that I first felt a strong call to ministry. The idea of ordained ministry had never been one that I would have completely ruled out, but that notwithstanding, it did come as quite a surprise! I was in an advantageous position, as I had two more years to complete my degree, so had plenty of time to think and pray about my strengthening vocation.

After completing my degree, I spent a year as a member of staff at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, and attended the Bishops’ Selection Conference. I entered the Theological College (now Institute) in September 2007 and have never really looked back.

As I prepare for ordination, I feel a great sense of excitement, to be able to do that to which I have been called. Although I am also slightly nervous of entering the unknown, I know that God will continue to journey with me, and will equip me with all I need.