• 27 July 2010

Volunteer to 'build big' with Habitat NI

Habitat for Humanity NI is looking for 150 volunteers from across Northern Ireland to build big in Romania from 2nd-9th October 2010.

Last year almost 200 volunteers from Northern Ireland built 10 homes in 1 week in Romania. Big Build 2009 was an amazing experience for all those who were part of it. Not just for the 10 families whose lives have been transformed but for every volunteer who had a hand in making it happen.

The charity plans to do it again in 2010! This year's Big Build takes them back to Beius to rebuild the "White House" where 8 families are currently living in terrible conditions. They will also build 2 duplexes delivering a hand up to simple, decent shelter for 4 families in need.

So during 1 week in October Habitat NI will help 12 families build houses, build community and build hope in Beius, and they would love you to join them! Volunteers will need to commit to raise £1800 (plus £50 non-refundable deposit).

Work is already underway in Beius.

Click here

to find out more about Big Build 2010 and to register your interest.