• 11 August 2010

Bible readers: Margaret Ritchie MP

It's a tradition that a local personality is asked to give the Bible reading on each evening of the Bishop's Bible Week. This year all our readers are women of note in public life.

Margaret Ritchie MP for South Down, MLA

Margaret Ritchie is leader of the SDLP (the first female leader of the party) and was elected to her Westminster seat this year.

Born and raised in Annacloy outside Downpatrick she became involved in politics and the SDLP during her time in University. She was elected to Down District Council in 1985 and following this in 1987 started to work for Eddie McGrady MP.

Margaret continued from there to be elected to the Northern Ireland Assembly and held the position of Minister for Social Development in the Northern Ireland Executive until her election to Westminster in May of this year.

Away from politics, Margaret is a local history enthusiast with a particular interest in the early Christian and Patrician heritage associated with Downpatrick and the Lecale district. Her hobbies include walking in the Mournes, reading and Down GAA. She is also an avid follower of politics and culture in the United States and international affairs generally.

"Some would say that politics and religion don't mix," says Margaret, but I would strongly disagree, I have always found my faith a great help and assistance in my daily work, and likewise my work has enabled me to do many things that complement my moral and social values."