Bible Sunday resources available online
The Bible Society in Northern Ireland has placed a new range of worship resources on its website at to encourage churches to celebrate access to the Scriptures.
The resources are connected to this year's Bible Sunday service, the theme of which will be 'Free to go - the Bible liberating lives’, based on Luke 4: 16-24.
The resources include Bible background notes and a sermon (in both bullet point and full formats); a children’s talk; a sketch for young people to perform; prayers; and children’s church and youth material. They can be used on a Sunday of the church's choosing as not every denomination celebrates Bible Sunday on the same day.
There is also an opportunity to respond to the Bible challenge by helping rural churches in Cambodia receive Bibles from a distribution programme organised by the Bible Society of Cambodia. Envelopes (with Gift Aid declaration) and details of the project are available on request.
In 2011, the Society will focus on the 400th anniversary of the publication of the King James Bible as part of the Biblefresh campaign, a section on which has also been included on the website home page.