• 25 August 2010

Meet John our Bible Week organist

The worship at the Bishop's Bible week is a mixture of traditional and modern and John Lyttle, the Willowfield organist, has been leading us in some wonderful hymns.

Here's what he says about himself:

"I was appointed Organist and Choirmaster at Willowfield in 1961. Our current Rector, Canon David McClay, is the sixth with whom I've worked over the years. For me, the outstanding constants over that time have been:

  • Willowfield's commitment to 'Outreach', at home and abroad and

  • Willowfield's capacity to adapt and change in coping with the changing circumstances and environment in which it seeks to extend Christ's kingdom on earth.

I too have had to adapt to these changes which have enriched the privilege of working in Willowfield."

John is married to Etta, dad to Carole and Paul and granddad to Alex, Dominic and Laura.